Lein Design Inc.Lein Design Inc.

My Garden

iPhone Inventory App

Revolutionize your gardening experience with My Garden. This cutting-edge app empowers you to manage every aspect of your plant collection. Organize by category, track purchases (including cost and warranty), and log maintenance notes with ease. Smart reminders keep you on top of watering, fertilizing, and pruning.

Visualize your garden's growth and spending with intuitive graphs. And the future of gardening is here: use our integrated AR tools for precise measurements of spaces and planters. Complete with light and dark mode support. Download My Garden and enter the next generation of gardening.

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Move Meter

iPhone Fitness App

Level up your fitness game with Move Meter! Create custom exercise categories (Crunches, Push-ups, Burpees – you name it!), track reps and sets with pinpoint accuracy, and visualize your progress with stunning weekly and monthly graphs.

Build personalized workout schedules and crush your fitness goals. Download Move Meter and start moving smarter, not harder!

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Plant Genie

iPhone Ai App

Your AI Plant Expert Featuring Aïra

Designed for homeowners, landscape designers, students, garden newbie's and even garden experts.

Ever wondered why your plant is looking a bit blah? Or maybe you've stumbled upon a mysterious plant and need a botanical detective? Fear not, PlantGenie is here to save the day! Feel free to ask Aïra any of your landscape, gardening or design questions, and she'll search out her database for the latest, and best answers for you.

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Lap Counter

iPhone Fitness App

This is a great simple app for those of you that do not have access to wifi while running. Use this app for those times you find yourself running laps on an inside track with no GPS signal. All that concrete and metal will cause your iPhone to stop tracking your run.

This app allows you to track your laps. We use it all the time, as the indoor track we belong to, will not allow our standard running app to work inside (to much metal and concrete).

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Baby Touch

iPhone Kids Discovery App

This is a fun children's app developed with the help of our 4 year old granddaughter and now our 2 year old grandson! We've been developing this app since she was only 2 years old.

We know children between 2 and 10 will love this app. It's easy for the younger children as we have a cute baby that follows the younger children around the screen teaching them where to touch to go forward and return to the previous screen. Older children can turn this feature on or off at any time.

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Dee Dee

iPhone Social App

Download our De Dee app today. It’s free to join and free to use.

You’ll be able to upload photos of projects you've designed, built or installed for others to review. When two of you show similar interests, you can share private conversations about the project, send photos, gain valuable feedback.

One way to learn how to improve is to gain that valuable feedback from others. De Dee only allows that to happen when two people with projects "like" each others project.

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Why Lein Design?

We are really cool people!
We think you're really cool too!
We are a professional software design company specializing in landscape and construction apps.

Pronounced: LINE DESIGN